Objectives of Trip

We want to learn about Kyushu and how it has improved its position in this society. We want to know how Kitakyushu solved its environmental issues and become one of the world's leading eco-town model. Overall, we hope to come back, proud to say that we learned what books cannot teach us.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Group reflection of the trip

In Japan, there are many things that can be learned that cannot be described. There are many questions that are still unanswered. When we travel to Japan, we hope to learn about the Japanese culture, to learn what makes Japan unique and different from the other countries. To learn how Japan recovered so quickly when they were devastated by the two atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To know how close the Japanese are bonded with one another. With the above questions answered, we will be able to know ways to protect and conserve our natural environment and ways to improve our own economy.

-Kieron Cheng: Leader/ Executive Chairman of the Commission

Sarah Quek: Secretary/ Chief Executive Officer

Zelia Chan: IT Leader/ Secretary of Operations

Tan Qi An: Photographer/ Member

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